My first blog. Woohoo. What's the format? I guess there is no format. J&M will be missed in BratLboro this weekend. I trust that M you will eat some corn, and J you will... paint some corn. We will have a toast to the brats missing in action.
This is where Brats live and this is where Brats express views on politics, aromatherapy, dangling issues of booger related theory, deforestation, Canada, evening news, badminton, country music and pictures of the future of tardis.
Preliminary schedule of events for this weekend entails some initial ceremonies. Toasting to missing Brats is the top priority.
1) stingers
2) toasting to missing Brats
3) the signing of the contracts (for camp 1st week August and future Austin venue)
I JUST relized that BRAT is in amys towns name.
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