Monday, April 28, 2008

Derby champion not getting laid

Lo and behold, "stallions" do not, in fact, always lay a shitload of pipe. Check out the recent article in the NYTimes discussing the vagaries of the 9 year-old (what were you doing in 3rd grade?) equine ejaculation (that's right, only once in the presence of a lady since 2006; bachelors, take note).

P.S. Jon sucks Guatemalan scrotum (in case any attribution scholars are out there)


JVT said...

Im the only one that got hit? whats the deal?

AmyVT said...

Yeah... not so sure. I think wine was informing my decision-making and Guatemalan scrotum seemed particularly apropos.

JVT said...

I like it,
I'm always ready for
some good and absurd