Friday, April 4, 2008

Music is art

Where's EDogg?

If music is art, I have some questions. Do you like the new Zooey Deschanel, does Carlos Santana play on every new album and what does a dulcimer sound like?


JVT said...

i think things are going great. how bout you erik?

JVT said...

i dont know who that first person is, but santana is boring, dangerously boring....

MikeVanTasstic said...

Santana is doing a great public service to be an aide and ambassador to the pop-world which needs all the tudoring it can get.

MikeVanTasstic said...

Wait, didnt zooey dechanel show here boobs in Fast times?

MikeVanTasstic said...

Oh wait, she sang with Farrel in Elf. What a great voice.

e-dogg said...

Zooey Daschnell was 4 when fast times came out... Jennifer Jason Leigh, or Phoebe Cates