Monday, April 28, 2008

Derby champion not getting laid

Lo and behold, "stallions" do not, in fact, always lay a shitload of pipe. Check out the recent article in the NYTimes discussing the vagaries of the 9 year-old (what were you doing in 3rd grade?) equine ejaculation (that's right, only once in the presence of a lady since 2006; bachelors, take note).

P.S. Jon sucks Guatemalan scrotum (in case any attribution scholars are out there)

soundtrack to our lives

A. Bros are playing in historic Troy, NY Thursday, July 3rd. Anyone going to Camp for the 4th weekend (Hukweem reunion) and wanna hit the show on the way up?

They're also playing in Burlington, VT on Friday the 8th. Stuff Buckle's he-un-di or E-Dogg's rental, take the ferry over, stay at North Beach campsite and go back to Camp the next day?

O.A.R. is at SPAC on that Sunday the 10th. I doubt anyone wants to join me, but that's oh-so conveniently en route for this girl, who's eager to drink Genny Cream Ale with the Skidmore summer tour guides.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Which one of these things?

How could two vehicles be so similar yet imply two entirely disparate social strati? Certainly there are some commonalities between the two drivers [outdoorsy (or wannabeoutdoorsy), in need of 4wd, German Shepherd owners], but it's more than the price tag that divorces these two types. Euro yippies can kick barfy yippies' asses any day.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Marty should be proud

Some footage from my last trip to Denver.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is E flying first class and renting a Tahoe?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bear the heck down

I know you never know, but seriously, could there be an easier schedule?

Monday, April 14, 2008


My first blog. Woohoo. What's the format? I guess there is no format. J&M will be missed in BratLboro this weekend. I trust that M you will eat some corn, and J you will... paint some corn. We will have a toast to the brats missing in action.

So marks the beginning of, an organization for the children(focussing mainly on the VanTassel's until the obscene enormity of our power and ensuing wealth anchors our conscious back down to earth, and small donations(along with expensive booze), allow us sleep at night)). Go children. I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Erik for recently bailing me out of some tuition driven financial hardship. Erik is a good man and a great golfer, who's equipoise often finds him sharply dressed and objectively cool, I take comfort in that, It's good knowin' he's out there, takin' her easy for all us sinners.

Tax ENGine Tax ENGine, thou art so convenient
I had been so pondering where most of my bread went
Auto-fill proving
Deductions for moving?
On using you always, I shall remain hell-bent

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"those darn powerlines"
-everyone, always

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I really needed a picture of Goodfellas on lifetime.
Any thoughts?....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Could god microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Music is art

Where's EDogg?

If music is art, I have some questions. Do you like the new Zooey Deschanel, does Carlos Santana play on every new album and what does a dulcimer sound like?

The Guru

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



I thought some northern euro-art would be appropriate. At this time i'de like to open the blog to any type of discussion. You choose. Follow your heart. Ultimately you will find that posting a photo is a great way to get things going. Also, are we happy with this name? As things might move along, other members might join. How about a name that says everyones invited, but we are obviously way cooler..