YouTube - bugsy siegelI have been nursing my computer, which will be back up soon, so please pardon the interruption of communicapationy.
Jon- our first morning at camp last year was the morning of the picnic. Erik and Amy were wisely sneaking out of the driveway on which the picnic was held when I was about 20% through the meet and greet process. (they had a meeting in the middle of the lake with our 9th cousins)
Turns out that I was one of few people who were eventually kicked out after all others had gone: I dont remember which three octogenarians were with me at the end but I remember that they were each very old.
When I left I met Moonbeam Gibson and her husband/life partner/old man Flaxseed. They smelled like a headshop that sold more stickers than pipes.
I heard this years themed golf dinner will focus on MardiGras.
I'm gonna wear water wings.
Get it?
The Awful flooding of NewOrleans.
Naw, I'll just wear some beads.
Wait, sue laird flashed everyone last year while hula hooping during a luau themed party. I wonder what we will see this year.